
What are the complications of vitamin D deficiency?

Many individuals with vitamin D deficiency do not exhibit symptoms, yet complications can arise without them. These complications vary based on the duration and severity of the deficiency. Common complications include reduced bone strength and an increased risk of fractures due to osteomalacia, rickets, and osteomalacia in children leading to weakened bones and abnormal growth, as well as bone pain, numbness, muscle weakness, and walking difficulties in cases of severe and prolonged deficiency. There are indications that vitamin D deficiency may be associated with higher rates of cancer, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, and mortality, although a direct causal relationship has not been established…. Dr. Robert H. Shmerling

Complication of vitamin D are, -Low bone density and Osteoporosis -Bone loss and hair loss -Rickets in children -Multiple sclerosis -Osteomalacia -Fatigue and tiredness…. Dr. Alex T. Thomas

Vitamin D deficiency may lead to secondary hyperparathyroidism that can cause demineralization of bones. If persistent, this will cause osteomalacia (softening of the bones). People may have significant pain, weakness, difficulty to walk and are predisposed to fractures…. Dr. Gustavo Campos

The clinical picture of vitamin D deficiency is generally asymptomatic, with noticeable symptoms in long-lasting or more severe conditions, which evolve into rickets (leg and rib arch deformities), in children, and osteomalacia (bone pain, weakness, difficulty walking), in adults…. Dr. Matheus R Cerqueira

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