The koto is tightened several times a year. The thread material used to be silk thread, but nowadays Tetoron strings (polyester-based synthetic fiber) are the mainstream. (I used silk thread in
The koto is tightened several times a year. The thread material used to be silk thread, but nowadays Tetoron strings (polyester-based synthetic fiber) are the mainstream. (I used silk thread in
The koto is tightened several times a year. The thread material used to be silk thread, but nowadays Tetoron strings (polyester-based synthetic fiber) are the mainstream. (I used silk thread in
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Sweet Potato Kokeshi Style 🍠✨🍠✨🍠 お芋コケシスタイル 大切なお琴先生と共に #着物は切ってないよ #IDidntCutTheKimono
The koto is tightened several times a year. The thread material used to be silk thread, but nowadays Tetoron strings (polyester-based synthetic fiber) are the mainstream. (I used silk thread in
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ASUKA / 明日佳 (@asuka_koto) / X